5 Ways To Reuse Our Yellow Coffee Tin :)

5 Ways To Reuse Our Yellow Coffee Tin :)


As you may have seen already (due to the numerous instagram posts!), we have a new product ‘The Yellow Coffee Tin’ available in store and online! The idea behind this packaging option was to help improve our carbon footprint by reducing the amount of single use retail bags that we sell.

The tins are fully recycle but our main goal is to convince customers to Reuse them in different ways, so here are our top 5 ways to reuse the tin after you have drank all the coffee.

Refill with Coffee
The most obvious one but still worth saying! We are now refilling tins in bean for a discount on the retail bags, so if you are living in and around Dingle then you can drop your tin into the shop and we will refill it by the next working day. Obviously, not all are going to live near enough to avail of this option. However we are currently working on a way to allow customers to buy a refill online, we are just working out the most sustainable way of delivering the refill. But you can always refill the tin with any coffee (or tea) you can get your hands on!


Makeup brushes
This one is straight from our head roaster Katie and our barista Georgia. They use their empty tins to store all their makeup brushes and it also brightens up their rooms.


The tin is a great size for a small indoor flower pot for your home or the office! Keep an eye out for ours in bean in dingle which we will be replacing our table flowers soon.

Office Stationery holder
Perfect for any desk. Use your empty tin as a holder for your pens and markers etc and place on your desk.

Money Box
Reuse your empty tin by filling it with all your spare change after a night out. And before you know it you will have enough to buy one of our coffee subscriptions ;)


That’s just five that we thought of, but there are many more ways to reuse our yellow tin. We would love to hear and see what ways you choose to reuse. Tag us on social media or comment below!

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